Monday, June 27, 2011

Resistance is Futile.

    I would like to relay an experience I had last year. I was in a class, working with energy and consciousness in the context of body awareness.  The instructor called me up to the front of the class to help him demonstrate an exercise for us to practice. He asked me to hold the energy pattern of a "typical guy;" basically wear it like an energetic costume. I based the pattern on someone I know (none of you reading this, I can assure you!). It was actually kind of fun. You have probably had the experience of wearing a Halloween costume. While you're wearing it, you feel different - more powerful, mysterious, funny, sexy - qualities of the persona that you chose. When you do that, you are, in fact, wearing an energetic costume too - the energy pattern of the character you chose. Well, that's what this felt like. "Wearing" the guy (let's called him 'Roger'), I felt powerful, dominant, seductive, and a bit of an asshole. The other students in the room could feel it too.
     The instructor demonstrated the exercise. He dropped his consciousness into his heart, and expanded the field of his heart space. While he held that state and turned his attention to me (well, Roger), I felt Roger melt away. I couldn't maintain that facade. In the presence of the instructor's incredible heart energy, I felt less hidden, more vulnerable, more like myself. When he stepped away from me and withdrew his attention, I could feel the 'Roger suit' return. It was quite remarkable.
    There was a woman sitting in the class who had had some particularly negative experiences with men. She was repulsed by the energy pattern I was wearing. Her reaction to it was very strong, so the instructor singled her out. He asked us to make eye contact. When we did, I felt stronger, more powerful, even more  solidly rooted in 'Roger.' I felt like nothing could shake it off of me - her hatred was feeding it. The instructor explained to the class that this hatred she was feeling was giving energy to the thing she despised. I knew it was true - I could feel it.
     That was an incredibly valuable lesson. I felt first-hand how resistance to something does indeed make it stronger. The instructor's state of neutrality - being completely present in his heart - totally negated the pattern. He also said that when you do this - stay present in your heart when faced with someone who is not - they will either become present as well, or leave. It is a very useful strategy.
    That experience was a very clear example of a basic truth. Love and acceptance are the best tools for dealing with things we don't like. Resistance truly is futile. The more we resist anything - and I mean anything - a person, or a relationship, or a job, or even a disease - the more power we give it. By the Law of Attraction, we get more of whatever it is we are putting our attention on. If there is strong emotion associated with that energy, either love or hate, it will come into our experience even more.
Focus your attention consciously and deliberately. It is not possible to control outside circumstances; it is only possible to control how you feel, and where you put your attention. Appreciate and be grateful for the things you love, and accept and then let go of the things you do not. When you do, you will find that your health, your relationships, and your life improve dramatically.

Love & Joy are yours.

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